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Wellness with Kathie
One Body ~ One Life


About me...

I began my wellness career in 1986. I found aerobics, fell in love with it and became an AFAA certified aerobic instructor. As I continued leveling up my teachings, I also became a certified Personal Trainer in the early 90s and part owner of a gym. This is when I realized the importance of alignment and proper form. Several of my clients were able to correct issues they had lived with for years.


As my family grew, becoming a Mom of three children, my time for teaching came to a halt. It wasn't until 2015, after my children had grown, that I found yoga. I had closed up another business I owned for 12 years and looked to these practices as a way to help me through some difficult times. It wasn't long into practicing that I realized this is what I now wanted to do.


After much research, I decided to participate in a 200 hr. teacher training through one of the most prestigious and comprehensive yoga teacher training schools in the United States, The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute. I studied directly under Beryl Bender Birch, an internationally renowned yoga teacher and author. I then decided to expand my level of education by completing my 300 hr. certification through the same school, giving me the credentials to be a 500 hr. trained yoga teacher. I have since continued my education through additional training in Trauma Yoga Therapy, Yoga Nidra and Functional Alignment. I hold a Reiki II Certification and offer private sessions. I travel once yearly to spend time at Retreat with my teacher and consider that an honor.


I am married now to someone I have known since the age of 6. I have three children, three step-children, and five beautiful grandchildren! My husband Matt and I also have a dog, named Theo. Life has not been without it's challenges and I take these lessons into my yoga teachings, showing my students they are not alone.



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